Saturday, January 18, 2014

Welcome to the official blog of "Mr Frugal Life" !

Mr Frugal Life: Personal Finance Blog

We are a personal finance and entrepreneurship blog and source of information for people who want:

  • Save money, diversify our income, and begin to start investing for our future generations.
  • Find gainful, full time employment with benefits through starting our own businesses and promoting entrepreneurial activity.
  • Enjoying the freedom to travel, learn, read and explore your own interests. That is truly living a frugal life, and we will work together at the blog of Mr Frugal Life.

Mr Frugal Life is your financial guide:

  • How to save money, how to your enjoy life by reducing expenses, how to make money and diversify your income.
  • Reducing everyday household expenses such as Electricity, Gas or Wood heating, Food costs, water, entertainment and other household expenses.
  • Improving professional skills, abilities, and network. Resume writing tips, Job Postings, tips, and much more!

 Who is Mr Frugal Life?

  • I am a 38 year old engineer, entrepreneur and personal finance enthusiast. I have always been interested in owning my own business from a young age. I have developed my own skills and talents to be a full time freelance professional, and I want to help others save money and earn a higher income. 

Why does Mr Frugal Life write?

  • I want to help others around me live a more fulfilling and financially independent life. Whether you have just started your financial career, or you are nearing retirement, learning proper financial habits from free lessons is important, rather than continually paying for expensive lessons. We are helping Extremely Low Income, Economically struggling, day-to-day and paycheck to paycheck the average everyday person save money and earn a higher income.
Thank you for visiting Mr Frugal Life and we look forward to helping you save money, earn more income, and enjoying more freedom!

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